我们听. 我们关心.
浩博体育app is committed to providing our students with an educational journey that is safe and free from sexual misconduct and gender-based violence.
When harm happens to any individual within our campus community it creates a ripple effect from those directly involved to their social networks, 专业的同事, 学术课程, 课外小组和, 最后, 影响了整个大学. We take our role and responsibility seriously under 第九条 by maintaining a fair compliance process, 规定的培训, 教育项目和支持资源. Our goal is to implement an individual response to misconduct and gender based violence that is respectful, 关心和公正.
第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972 requires SU to provide a prompt, fair and equitable resolution for all complaints of gender discrimination and interpersonal violence. If you witness or hear of an incident of sexual misconduct or gender based violence you should complete the report linked above. This report will be sent to our 第九条 coordinator.
Examples might include: gender discrimination (including discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation), 性骚扰, 性剥削, 未经同意的性接触(爱抚), 未经同意的性交(强奸, 乱伦, 等.)、跟踪和约会/家庭暴力.
Learn more about how we address complaints by reviewing our 第九条 Sexual Assault and Gender Based Violence Policy.
Learn more about 第九条 protections for pregnant and parenting students in our 支持怀孕和育儿学生政策.
Learn more about the laws that impact our response to 不当性行为和基于性别的暴力.
As River Hawks we have a duty to keep each other safe from discrimination and harm. If you witness or know about gender discrimination or interpersonal violence occurring on campus, please report it so that it can be addressed and prevented.